
Once your application has been submitted and we have received your fee, you will be placed on the Technology Childcare Centers (TCC) waiting list. We will contact you about all openings at all centers that match your child’s age and your preferred start date.

Here’s what to expect from the process:

  • We will notify you as soon as a space becomes available in any of the TCC programs you selected on your application.
  • You will have 48 hours to respond to the offer.
  • When we notify you, we also will arrange for you to visit the center.
  • If you decline one offer, you may choose to retain your position on the waiting list for future spots. If you decline a second offer, your name will be removed from the waiting list.
  • When you accept the offer of enrollment, you must submit your first month's tuition.
  • You will be given as much time as possible to plan for enrollment—often a month or more in advance. When less than one month’s notice is given, you may defer your enrollment for up to 30 days from the date we offer you the opportunity.
  • You must verify your MIT affiliation status at the time of enrollment and sign an enrollment agreement at the time of enrollment and annually.