The MIT HR Work-Life offers childcare information to help MIT affiliates find and evaluate local childcare options, including childcare centers, family childcare programs, in-home care, summer camp, after-school programs, and short-term childcare services. If you wish to explore these resources, visit the MIT HR Work-Life or call 617-253-1592.
You also might find these resources helpful.
Back-up childcare services can be of great help when regular caregivers are unavailable or when you need care in addition to the hours covered by your regular childcare provider. MIT offers two sets of resources—one for employees and another for students.
MIT has been recognized again and again as a “breastfeeding-friendly employer.”
This page provides tips and information about lactation rooms on campus and guidelines regarding accommodations for nursing mothers.
Connect with other MIT families in this online network of students, post docs, faculty, and staff who are ready to offer suggestions on where to find family-related resources in the Cambridge-Boston area.
Make life a little easier. MIT MyLife Services is a one-stop, free resource that provides MIT faculty, staff, postdocs and their families with 24/7 access to a network of experts who can help with life concerns.
Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
The program helps eligible MIT employees save money on childcare expenses by allowing employees to set aside funds—before taxes—for planned dependent care services received for dependent children under the age of 13 while you work or search for work.